Queen Cardinal Inspiration

    Queen Cardinal, is a celebration of the qualities of generosity, love, understanding, resilience and forgiveness that are inherent in the feminine.

    It was my launch scarf for Rose Cardinal and it came in with certainty.

    The first push of inspiration for this very first Rose Cardinal scarf, was a vision/feeling I experienced during a meditation. My core was golden light and I had many arms coming out of me, able to do anything, all at once, with mastery. That vision reminded me of the Hindu god Ganesha. Known as the remover of obstacles and the Lord of Beginnings, Ganesha represents the power of the feminine to overcome obstacles and pave the way for new beginnings. I roughly sketched this vision soon after because the message was so powerful. 

    Queen Cardinal meditation inspiration image

    A couple of weeks later, I was out with a friend and was stopped dead in my tracks by a massive framed Queen of Spades displayed in an antique store window. It resonated with me and that past vision, so much that I almost purchased it.

    Queen Cardinal in Spades

    The third and final kick was a dream (or vision) I had, very early one morning. It was brief but I saw, clear as day, a scarf illustrated with a pink nude woman with her legs crossed and meditating. That day I grabbed my Wacom pen and pushed the concept of Rose Cardinal into reality.

    Queen Cardinal colours

    And now that I look back, I see how Queen Cardinal came to me in 3 clear waves of inspiration, the first was meaning, the second was form and the third was color.

    The symbols presented in Queen Cardinal’s hands, such as a moon, a heart, a sun and an anchor, link in with the Rose Cardinal logo and motto: Dream, Do, Love, Trust.

    Dream do love logo

    These symbols represent the various aspects of the feminine energy, reminding us to listen to our intuition, follow our dreams, and trust in ourselves. 

    This scarf conveys the message that the feminine is a powerful force that can guide us to be our best selves. The Queen Cardinal silk scarf is a tribute to the strength, grace, and dignity of the feminine, and I hope it will inspire you to embrace your own feminine energy.

    Much Love x


    "Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force." Lao Tzu.




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